The University of Wisconsin NROTC Badger battalion welcomes you! The US Navy offers the NROTC program at over 70 schools nationwide, but none have a battalion quite like the University of Wisconsin badgers.
Every year, the Badger Battalion welcomes 15-25 recipients of the Naval ROTC National Four Year Scholarship. If you have received a scholarship and are assigned to the University of Wisconsin-Madison, please contact the Bravo Company Advisor prior to submitting your University application so we can assist in the process and keep you informed of requirements prior to reporting in the Fall.
Q: I want to compete for a scholarship, but did not receive a scholarship out of high school or did not apply for one.
A: You are an excellent candidate to become a College Program student! Please read below.
College Program
In addition to scholarship recipients, UW-Madison accepts students into the College Program. As a College Programmer, you will participate in all the same functions and wear the same uniforms as a scholarship student, to include Naval Science courses, drill, and physical training — however, you will not receive any tuition assistance or be eligible to attend summer training. Every College Programmer who meets the minimum requirements for a scholarship application will be submitted, by the NROTC Unit, for a 3-year or 2-year scholarship. For Marine option students this takes place at the end of every semester and for Navy option students at the end of every school year. Additionally, students who have less than 30 credit hours completed may apply online for the national four year scholarship. Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a College Program student.
College Program students who do not receive a scholarship by the end of their sophomore year are automatically considered for advanced standing. This is an agreement with the Navy or Marine Corps to commission you upon completion of your degree. Advanced standing college programmers are not eligible for tuition benefits, however receive the normal monthly stipend awarded to scholarship recipients.
Students not selected for either a 2-year scholarship or advanced standing as a college programmer cannot be retained in the program past their sophomore year.
To apply as a College Program midshipmen, prospective students must contact the unit as early as possible the summer prior to year you wish to join. This allows us to complete all paperwork, order uniforms, and get you set up to join the program. Students desiring to join mid-year will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Q: I missed the deadline/have already completed some college.
A: Students who have missed the deadline are encouraged to contact the Unit to determine availability. We will do our best to get make accommodations for students with a genuine interest, however there are some limitations. Students also have the option of joining mid-semester, or prior to their sophomore year. Applicants joining their sophomore year will have one opportunity (two if marine option) to compete for a scholarship. For questions regarding scholarship quotas and selection criteria, please feel free to contact us.
Unfortunately the NROTC program is unable to accept students who have completed more than two years of college (120 semester credits), regardless of the duration of their degree plan. There are other opportunities available through local area recruiters. Please contact your nearest Navy recruiter and inquire what availability they have for officer accession programs.