Captain Amis Matulionis

Position title: Marine Officer Instructor

Captain Gaudrimas Matulionis was originally born in Vilnius, Lithuania, and moved to the United States when he was 5 months old. He spent most of his adult life in California, as he attended high school and college there. In 2010, he was awarded an NROTC scholarship, Marine Option, at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He graduated from UCLA in 2014 with a Bachelor’s in Civil and Environmental Engineering and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant. Due to a year and a half wait prior to attending the Basic School, Captain Matulionis worked as a teaching assistant in Engineering Ethics and Writing while obtaining his Master’s in Structural and Earthquake Engineering from UCLA.

Captain Matulionis attended the Basic School in fall of 2015 and attended the Basic Communications Officer Course during spring of 2016. From there, he was assigned to Communications Company, Headquarters Regiment, 1st Marine Logistics Group (MLG) located in Camp Pendleton as a Data Systems Platoon Commander. In August 2017, he was assigned to 1st Transportation Support Battalion, Combat Logistics Regiment 1, 1st MLG as their Communications Platoon Commander. In June 2019, he was assigned to the NROTC unit at the University of Wisconsin where he currently serves as the Marine Officer Instructor.