Battalion News

Check out the latest news stories about the University of Wisconsin Naval ROTC battalion:

Recent Posts

  • Dining In Ceremony

    On Friday, December 06. The battalion celebrated the end of the semester with their annual Dining ceremony. This event included a social hour, dinner, toasts, and many challenges.

  • SFS 6-Mile Hike

    On November 20, The Wisconsin Naval ROTC Semper Fi Society completed a 6-mile ruck march. They departed from the unit at 0630, walking to the top of Bascom Hill and then taking the lakeshore path …

  • Marine Corps 249th Birthday Ceremony

    On November 10th, the United States Marine Corps celebrated its 249th birthday. The battalion celebrated on the 14th of November with competition PT between our two departments. PT consisted of running the stairs of Camp …

  • Rear Admiral Hayamizu Takaaki Visit

    On Tuesday, 12 NOV, Rear Admiral Hayamizu Takaaki, who is currently the Defense and Naval Attaché for the Embassy of Japan in the U.S., came to our unit and gave a presentation on the Japanese …

  • Color Guard at UW-River Falls Basketball Game

    On Wednesday, 30 OCT, the UW-Madison NROTC Colorguard members presented the national ensign with the Navy and Marine Corps flags as compliments at the men’s basketball game against UW-River Falls. This game marked the beginning …

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